Hunting Progression

Through age and experience we understood that we progress through various stages in life. For instance every 11-13 years the neuron connections in our brain re-establish themselves into new pathways. Hence every 11-13 years the average person is subject to new understandings of topics previously known, i.e. we change our mind, we typically are more willing to admit our wrongs and allow ourselves to be wronged.

This is of course true if the individual hasn’t damaged the natural development of the neural pathways in their brain through drug use (especially marijuana), artificial stimulants (like NRG drinks and alcohol), and fake foods (everything in the middle of the grocer); in this case we become more obtuse in our thinking, less forgiving and more spiteful as everything is always someone else’s fault in some way, shape or form.

I discovered this article in Field & Stream regarding the “Five Stages of Hunting.” I found it interesting as there is some truth to topic. As a general rule I’m not particularly fond of “5 step…3 way…4 point…8 answer…6 sign…” responses or articles on any topic, but I do read them.

For The Five Stages of Hunting

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