About Us

We are a Husband and Wife team ever since 1997. We operate our own small business from home in Western Colorado and we both work full time. Our life has been one of many wins and losses, as it is with any “team” and many hills, draws, mountains and valleys. We’re not perfect but we do strive for it and in that pursuit we have discovered some truths that make the journey’s highs more enjoyable and the lows more bearable.

Faith is very important. Not just a belief, hope or trust in a desired result, principle or some higher state of being. We have faith and believe in the One and Only True God (YAHWEH) who is to be praised forevermore and who has revealed Himself through His creation, Scripture, and finally His Son, Jesus the Messiah.

Family is very important. In an age where labels and types are major identifiers for our youth we believe it is important that one discover their true identity in an environment as a participating member of a family. A functional family will rightly train its’ individuals in their proper roles as well as cultivate a unity of those various roles and the progression toward accomplishment and success.

Freedom is very important. It can be defined variously. We define it as that which pertains to the Outdoors. It is an outdoor environment that people are innately most attracted to for solitude and the peace and tranquility sought for that can quiet a troubled soul. For us it is the freedom to hunt, fish, camp, and explore the outdoors not only as observers but as stewards of this great creation.

There you have it. This site consists of musings, stories, conversations, meditations, devotions, and general ramblings pertaining to the general activities, projects and adventures relating to the truths listed that occur in our family.

Thanks for checking us out. We are a work in progress, as most are.

Whitewater, CO 81527